Posts Tagged spizzerinctum

My Walk Through BJ Palmer’s World

Dr.  Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, May 23,  2011

“Walk a mile in a man’s shoes and you will see what it is like to be him and you may shift your perspective”, my grandmother said this to me any time I began to judge another.  It was an awesome lesson to learn at such a young age and I have used it many times throughout my life.  This is simple lesson has allowed me to view the world with eyes wide open.

This weekend I attended the Winner’s Circle Weekend put on by The Masters Circle in Sarasota, Fl.   Knowing that BJ Palmer had a house there where he spent his last days and wrote many of his books, I had a hunch what one event of the “secret” weekend might be a visit there.  Little did I know the entire weekend I would be walking in BJ Palmer’s shoes?

Friday morning we started the day at BJ’s house.  As I exited the van, a silence swept over me as I realized I was about to walk through the house where BJ walked, slept, ate, had conversations with friends, wrote books, dreamed, passed on from his mortal life, and so much more.  I was overwhelmed with emotions and still at this time I don’t think I could fully list all the emotions I felt; it may take awhile or I may never delineate them.

My journey began walking up the driveway and past his dolphin fountain, his head cast, and his signature in cement I felt a sense of overwhelm realizing I was walking through a piece of history.  I walked up the vibrant, primary stone path that lead to the door and entered into the developer of chiropractic’s home and for the two hours I was allotted I would be slipping into his shoes and see the world as he saw it.  I’ve always loved seeing friends homes, in my opinion, it allows you to see who they really as our homes are expressions of who we are as individuals.

As I walked through his house it was eclectic to say the least, some said it was wild and I even heard “weird” to me it felt just right. I can honestly say it felt like home.  I’ve been through so many museums; my dad wanted us to know our history, and in all the museums I have been through I have never been to one that was so “real”.  Dr. Sid, who has a summer residence next door, did an awesome job preserving BJ’s home and in doing so has preserved BJ’s legacy.

BJ’s house was an expression of who he was a brilliant visionary and took the idea of his father and made it a household name.  Love him or hate him he believed in Innate and knew that’s expression was imperative for full expression of life. His house was much the same, an expression of his life.  The house was filled with history; I thoroughly walked each hallway making sure to absorb every bit of information possible.

I had several pivotal moments but want to share with you the three most pivotal.  As I stood in his bedroom at the foot of the bed in which he passed flipping through pictures and paperwork in plastic coverings.  In one of the plastic coverings was the death certificate of BJ and DD right next to each other.  On the back of the same plastic covering were photos of his funeral.  Even as I write this, I am overwhelmed with emotion. One photo was an image of him in his casket, as I looked at his face laying there tears filled my eyes.  At that time his death was so real and I quietly thanked him for the strength of his vision and for fulfilling his purpose regardless of what anyone thought and regardless of the opposition. BJ is truly a pioneer and he is a man of strength, dedication, and determination. We could all learn a lot from BJ Palmer and the foundation he laid so that chiropractic has its place. We MUST preserve our heritage.

My next pivotal moment was in the same room where I stepped into his giant wooden clogs, they were huge.  The moment I slid my feet into the clogs, I attempted to wrap myself around the realization of what big shoes I have to fill.  I have always thought that but this time my thought was a bit different.  This time I didn’t ask how I was going to get them to fit or wonder when I was going to “grow into them”. This time I just accepted these were my shoes and I would make them fit.  I was handed the shoes of BJ, DD, and many others the day I received my diploma and especially with the current state of chiropractic, I have no choice but to wear them even if I have to shove toilet paper into them to make them fit or wear two pairs of socks.  I also realized I wouldn’t have been given the shoes if I wasn’t prepared to wear them and that it was my own thoughts keeping them from fitting.  Regardless, since that day I have thought twice about the shoes I was called to step into and I have been wearing them with even more pride.

The last moment was extremely personal and hit me at a soul level.  There was a picture on the wall about leadership.  To sum it up, as I don’t have know it verbatim, leadership is lonely at times, the more opposition you face and more you are thought to be controversial the more you are leading.  Isn’t that the truth? I heard many times how “weird” or “strange” BJ was all throughout the day.   Was he “weird”? I guess. Define “weird”.  Personally, I have always been told I was “weird” and I guess just like anything in life its all perception.  In regards to BJ I will say he was eclectic, he was vibrant, he loved life and it’s expression regardless of what others thought, he dreamed big, he knew he knew the truth, wasn’t going to settle for current paradigms, saw a vision bigger than life, was determined to fulfill his purpose, and saw the world in the terms of what he knew could be rather than what won’t be.  Call it “weird” if you want BUT his “weird” got us where we are today. That day in Sarasota, I really resonated with who BJ was and were he came from and realized that “weird” means leader.  That day I realized that being “weird” means your vision is vast, that your purpose is intense, and that your convictions are deeply rooted and regardless of opposition you forge ahead.  In this case I am definitely “weird” and extremely proud.

After we left his house, we headed to the Ringing Brothers Circus Museum.  BJ loved the circus and spent a great deal of time at the circus. The circus was in fact why he moved to Sarasota.  Having heard before of BJ’s love of the circus and questioning it, after seeing his house I now knew why he loved the circus.  It goes back to being “weird”.  The circus is “weird” with the fat lady, the fire breathers, sword swallowers, and vast array of unique individuals; I guarantee none of them ever thought BJ was “weird”.  And as an added piece of info, there was an adjusting table in the Ringling Brothers home!

Saturday we were blessed to have Dr. Simon Senzon share with us even more history on BJ Palmer’s life.  He truly was an amazing man, some information was a refresher and other information was new both took my love and admiration for BJ to the next level.  Having walked through his house just 24 hours prior made me feel that much closer to the developer of our profession and even more grateful.

We could all stand to learn from BJ and realize that we must continually fulfill his vision, not for him, not for us, but for our future.  We are borrowing this profession from our future just as BJ borrowed from us.  May 27, 2011 marks the 50th anniversary of his death.  On May 27th, I encourage you to join me as I sit silently and get even more clear on my vision, mission, and purpose not for me but for chiropractic and as a thank you to BJ for borrowing from me and giving it back better than he found it.

Thank you DD and BJ Palmer you are true visionaries and I am eternally grateful for your strength and determination.

Love. Laugh. Adjust.
Dr. Martha Nessler, Innate Girl

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Innate Ideas #2 – Spizz It Up!

October 18, 2010

Spizzerinctum is the energy of the business.  We know the definition of this word that we as chiropractors hold dear to our hearts from our founding father, but do we live it? Does our practice reflect the principle of spizzerinctum?

I always remind my staff that the “E” in event is for ENERGY.  With the proper energy it’s impossible to not have a successful event and with a successful event it’s inevitable you will have an elevation of energy.  So, what does your event calendar look like? In my last Innate Idea I stressed the importance of having your marketing calendar ready in October of the current year for the next year and it’s crucial to have well planned, energy driven events planned both in and out of the office.

There are two categories of events in office (internal) and out of office (external). The events can vary in cost, theme, purpose, number in attendance, and target audience.  It’s crucial to outline the event in detail and clarify exactly the goals of each individual event.  In my office we try to have one internal event and one external event each month, atleast.

A few examples of internal events are “fun” and simple holidays, holiday celebrations, Women’s Indulgence Nights, Man’s Hang Out Nights, and so much more.  It’s easy to get a list of “fun” holidays off the internet.  “Yo-Yo Day” is a great day to give out a tiny Yo-Yo and remind practice members to not Yo-Yo their health care.  “National Hug Day” is a great way to educate on the importance of hugs; on this day we wear shirts from which read “I Hug Back”.  There are hundreds of fun and simple holidays.  Holidays in general are a great way to bring people together and tying in chiropractic makes it all the more a success.  Women’s Indulgence Nights and Man’s Hang Out Nights allow your practice members to address their respective needs and socialize with other like minded people.

For external events the list in endless; talks and lectures, Wine Nights, Screenings, Health Fairs, Patient Appreciation Dinners, Community Wellness Days, and so much more.  If you set out the intention that you want talks and lectures and simply ask practice members and friends your calendar will fill up quickly.  Wine nights are a great way to gather practice members and their friends in a welcoming setting where you can share wine and engage with each other.  Screening and health fairs are a great way to get patients who are out seeking your service.  Saying, “Thank You” is fun and easy with a Patient Appreciation Dinner.  It’s a great way to say thank you to those you serve and introduce yourself to their friend and loved ones.  Community Wellness Days are becoming more and more popular and allow you to reach out to your entire community and educate on the importance of chiropractic.

Whether internal or external the objective is the same, to create energy within your office.  Remember what you put in you get out and the more energy the more results.  Regardless of the event, it is important that you create energy!! Go ahead get Spizzin’!

Email me at if you need any help.

Love. Laugh. Adjust.

Innate Girl

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2009 Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

“Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational” is published every Monday.  It was first sent out on April 27, 2009 and has followed every Monday consecutively since then.  The purpose of Dr. M’s MMM is to ignite passion in individuals. It is geared toward chiropractors and the chiropractic profession.  Hundreds of chiropractors receive it via text message first thing in the morning! Enjoy the year in review.

April 27, 2009

To my TMC Friends:

Conference is over.  Today is when you put into play all that the wonderful weekend had to offer.  I challenge you to serve with more passion, expand until you are uncomfortable, love your community without limits, and start giving the American sickcare the facelift that it needs.  Remember, “catch on fire and people will come for miles to watch you burn.” –John Wesley

Love.  Laugh.  Adjust.

May 4, 2009

Today in your office remember the power of human touch.  We are so lucky in our profession that we are able to connect with our patients on such a deep level.  Be focused today and enjoy the power of the adjustment with your patients! “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.  They must be felt with the heart.” –Helen Keller

Love.  Laugh.  Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

May 11, 2009

Prefontaine said, “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.”  Show up today.  Play BIG.  Serve well.  Speak the truth and people will listen.  We are all blessed and to hide that would be a waste!!

Love.  Laugh.  Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

May 18, 2009

Johann Goethe said, “Whatever you do or dream, you can do—begin it.  Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.” We are in the forefront of healthcare…we have to step up and be bold.  WE need to help others to see outside the box.  We need to create a wellness movement. As Bob Hoffman said, “Leaders create a culture around their goals and involve others in it.” Live the wellness dream…be bold and powerful.  You are a genius.

Love.  Laugh.  Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

June 1, 2009

Say what you need to say, lyrics from a John Mayer song, are so applicable in practice.  Think how often we hold back in fear, limited by our own self-talk and ego.  Lets step up and start fresh today…say what you need to say.  As BJ said, “We never know how far something we think, say or do will affect the lives of millions tomorrow.” Speak the truth…they will hear you!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Leave it all outside the office.  It’s so easy to bring our lives into practice…but that doesn’t serve you and it definitely doesn’t serve the patient.  So, walk in to your office with a clear head and a focus on serving.  Stomp out your personal life and get laser focused.  Your personal life will be there when you close the doors…you can pick it up on your way out tonight  They need you…show up big!!!

Love.  Laugh.  Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, June 15, 2009

Today F.O.C.U.S as you communicate with your patients and your staff.  Have Full On Compassion, Understanding, and Sincerity.  Let them know you love them.  Be the one who listens.  Be the ANSWER in a world full of questions.  Don’t talk at them…talk to them and above all LISTEN!! Paul Tillich said, “The first duty of love is to listen.” Serve well and with F.O.C.U.S!

Love.  Laugh.  Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, June 22, 2009

The highest vibration that we can experience is LOVE.  Since chiropractic was founded on tone; as chiropractors understand the importance of balanced vibration.  Love must be in our core.  First, we must love ourselves.  It is the love we have for ourselves that allows us to freely and deeply love others.  When was the last time you told yourself how much you loved you? When you have love in your core it emanates and is felt by those around you.

Love.  Laugh.  Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, June 29, 2009

When we come from a servant’s heart we better serve our patients and community.  Make this your prayer/motto: “Lord, make me an instrument of Your Peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.” (–St. Francis of Assisi) Have an attitude of gratitude.  Listen and love.  Serve well.

Love.  Laugh.  Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, July 6, 2009

Think positively and masterfully because our thoughts become our reality! Two great quotes come to mind: “You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. –James Lane Allen Nick” and “It isn’t what you have or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy.  It is what you think about. –Dale Carnegie” So, where will your thoughts lead you.  Change your thoughts starting now! Remember, what you think about you bring about.

Love.  Laugh. Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, July 13, 2009

Integrity is being congruent between what you think, say, and do.  Be a role model for your practice members and community, become a wellness expert and live a wellness lifestyle. Lead by example; exercise utilizing weights and cardio, eat foods that nourish and support the body, and think positive thoughts! Keep it simple: “Be Fit.  Eat Right.  Think Well.” Live consciously and with congruency.  “When you have contradictions you get destruction and the amount of destruction is based off the severity of the contradictions. – Ayn Rand”

Love.  Laugh.  Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, July 20, 2009

Each day when we wake we are given two options: to remain comfortable or to get uncomfortable. So, often we get scared to grow because with all growth there is pain so we remain in our “comfort zone” With growth comes new opportunities and an expansion of our knowledge. Remember, “Comfort comes as a guest, lingers as a host, and stays to enslave. – Sid Williams” So, today I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and fall in love with being uncomfortable.

Love.  Laugh.  Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, July 27, 2009

Purpose and Passion are keys to our success. Our purpose is what we were created to do.  What is your purpose? Define it and write it down.  Passion is the energy that propels us.  It moves us.  What is your passion? Dig down deep and find that one thing that gets you going.  Own it and cherish it.  Use it as a driving force to remind you that EVERY day you must be 100% present and show up big.

Love. Laugh.  Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, August 3, 2009

Three words: Present Time Consciousness.  Be present in the moment.  When you are with patients you are with patients, when you are doing CEO time be the CEO, when you are home be at home, etc.  Live in the moment and let the momentum carry you.  Being fully present allows you to gain more from the experience and most importantly give more of yourself.

Love.  Laugh.  Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, August 10, 2009

In life, he/she who experiences the most wins! It’s important that we constantly improve and grow; with change comes growth.  When we stop growing…we start dying.  Commit today to learn something new everyday and constantly expand yourself.  Robin Sharma say, “ Live your life in such a way that when you die the world cries and you rejoice.”

Love. Laugh. Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Morning Motivational

Monday, August 17, 2009

It is inevitable that we will make “mistakes” in life and that we will “fall short of others or our own expectations”. It is important to realize it is not the mistakes that we make in life that define who we are; it’s how we deal with them that truly reveals who we are as people. It’s not how far you fall but how high you rise after the fall.  As Joe Dispenza said, “Never feel guilty about anything you have created, good or bad.” It’s all part of the journey.

Love.  Laugh.  Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, August 24, 2009

Who do you choose to spend your time with? You are a mirror image of the company that you keep.  Remember the 5 closest people to you have the most influence over you!! Choose wisely…and remember the laws of attraction…you will attract into your life the EXACT people that you want there. Alan Rousso said, “The more loving you are to yourself, the more loving people come into your life…and they may or may not be the people in your life, right now. “

Love. Laugh. Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, August 31, 2009

Educate. Educate. Educate. BJ Palmer said, “It is more important that people know the story than get adjusted.” Tell people more about what they don’t know than what they do know.  Hold a healthcare class, do a spinal screening, host a patient appreciation dinner, etc… Just get the message out there. Well-educated people ALWAYS make better decisions.

Love. Laugh. Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, September 7, 2009

Relish in your time off…make the most of holidays and vacations. When you sleep your body heals and when you your soul and spirit are rejuvenated. A well-rested individual is more equipped to serve. Gandhi said, “there is more to life than increasing its speed”. Happy Labor Day!!!

Love. Laugh. Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, September 14, 2009

Success requires dedication and determination.  While the road to success is not always an easy one you must remember that, “Pain is temporary and quitting is forever”.  You have two choices in regard to pain in any area of life: The pain of discipline or the pain of regret.  It is possible to achieve anything that you set your mind to if you truly want to.  Remember it is not a “have to” but a “get to”. Press on!!!

Love. Laugh.  Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, September 21, 2009

Actions speak louder than words.  Do you exemplify the wellness lifestyle? Do you lead by example? Remember it’s important to workout regularly, eat foods that fuel your body, think positive thoughts, and get regular adjustments and nervous systems check ups.  Remember, who you are speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say! It’s time to step up and be the leader in the wellness movement!!

Love. Laugh. Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Motivational

Monday, September 28, 2009

Come from a place of love.  Love has the power to open doors and break down barriers.  Love is the highest vibration; it is an action, feeling, and emotion.  Remember, people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.  In a world that lacks love be the missing link.

Love. Laugh. Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, October 5, 2009

Fear and Joy. Do more things in your life that cause fear…your accomplishment will lead to an abundance of joy.  Scared? Overcome it…Just go for it! Dig deep and find inner strength. The outcome will be worth it.

Love.  Laugh. Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Intention is everything.  With the right intent you don’t need words or explanation.  You can speak with your eyes, touch, and overall vibration.  Getting skewed results? Then check your intention.  The right intention will always lead to success.

Love. Laugh. Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, October 19, 2009

If not you, then who? Today I am asking you to STEP UP!! We are in the midst of a wellness movement and we need leaders…consider this your challenge.  Speak the truth…say what is on your mind and in your heart, make connections, be committed, and start today! Step up! Step up! Step up!!

Love. Laugh. Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, October 26, 2009

A job is what you have to do, a career is what you are supposed to do, and a CALLING is what you are meant to do AND get to do!!! Remember, God doesn’t call the prepared. He prepares those He calls.  As chiropractors we have been called to pave the path to wellness and now is the time to STEP UP and lead.

Love. Laugh. Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, November 2, 2009

To give and receive is to be blessed.  Life is about giving; giving of yourself, your gifts and talents.  Learning to stretch yourself for the sake of others.  Giving is not always financial; it can be the warmth of a smile, a kind word, or going out of your way for someone else.  And remember that while giving is important is also important to receive with gratitude from God and those around you.  May abundant blessings fall on you and yours this holiday season.

Love. Laugh.  Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, November 9, 2009

With each adjustment and each conversation of every day, remember, “We, Chiropractors, work with the subtle substance of the soul.  We release the prisoned impulse, the tiny rivulet of force, that emanates from the
mind and flows over the nerves to the cells and stirs them into life. –BJ Palmer”.  You have a moral obligation to tell the world what you know.  Because, you know something they don’t know.  Go out and serve your community.

Love. Laugh. Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, November 16, 2009

When was the last time you re-evaluated your attitude? What’s it like? Is it positive? Does it allow you to shine? Do you light up a room when you walk into it or out of it? To keep my attitude in check: weekly I sit down and review and write a list of all my blessings.  I give thanks for those I have received and pre-thank for the one’s I am going to receive.  This task allows me to remain in an attitude of gratitude, allowing my inner beauty to really shine.  So, sit down this week and “check your ‘tude dude”!!

Love. Laugh. Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, November 23, 2009

Your degree of innate potential is between you and your Creator.  What interferes with that potential is between you and your Chiropractor. Seek out the subluxation whether physical, chemical, or emotional and correct it, then allow innate to take over and restore homeostasis. As BJ Palmer said, “Nature needs no help, just no interference.” Happy Thanksgiving!!! Be thankful you have found your calling!!! Much love and respect!!!

Love. Laugh. Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, November 30, 200

When BJ Palmer was asked to define Spizzerinctum; He said, “Oh Spizzerinctum is anything that puts pride and happiness in the head, determination in the heart, energy in the hand, and invisible courage in the will.” A little bit of chiropractic enthusiasm if you will So, get your “spizz” on to educate and save some lives!!

Love. Laugh. Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, December 7, 2009

Life is a process. It is a journey we travel that enables us to grow, which usually stretches us outside of our comfort zone. The discomfort we feel with growth often scares us and then driven by fear we rush through the process.  Rushing through the process still gets us through but we often miss the finite lessons along the way.  So, be still and allow the process to happen.  Lean on friends, family, inner strength, and prayer.  Remember, it is as it should be.  Being still will allow you to truly shine and grow.

Love. Laugh. Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, December 14, 2009

Life is what you focus on.  Your thoughts create your reality. What you think about you bring about.  Do your thoughts expand or contract your vibration (ie feeling or emotion)? Cleaning up your headspace will alter your external environment.  Remember the intricate balance between feeling and function if we go solely by feeling we may be surprised at the functional outcome.  Shift your thoughts and SHIFT YOUR LIFE.

Love. Laugh. Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

Monday, December 21, 2009

This holiday season remember to enjoy time with family and friends, brighten the lives of those around you, give abundantly and receive openly, and most of all anchor the memories in your heart and mind so that you can re-visit them frequently.  “You can have everything in life that you want if you just give enough other people what they want. –Zig Ziglar”

Dr. Martha Nessler

Love. Laugh. Adjust.

Monday, December 28, 2009

“An eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind. –Mahatma Ghandi”.  Look at the world differently as we roll into 2010, especially in the aspect of forgiveness and thankfulness. Realize that hurting people hurt people and that it easier to forgive than to harbor anger or take revenge. Before you fall asleep at night simply say, “I forgive.  I am thankful.” You will wake renewed and ready for the day!

Love. Laugh. Adjust.

Dr. Martha’s Monday Morning Motivational

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